9 Benefits of Outdoor Exercise and Fitness
There is no question that regular exercise of any kind has a plethora of health benefits compared to being in-active and sedentary. Regular physical activity indoors or out can prevent heart disease and other chronic illness, improves mood, reduces stress and benefits sleep quality.
With the weather becoming warmer and our days lighter and longer the last thing you may want to do is head for an over crowded gym to use machines with 150 different kinds of sweat on them coupled with the same number of people in attendance right when you are!
So what ARE the benefits of outdoor exercise and fitness? There’s plenty and to keep you motivated we’ve listed some pretty compelling reasons to chuck on the trainers and head to your local park.
When your pursuit is outdoor fitness you can be assured that you are going to get a challenging workout due to the natural terrain of the outdoors. Mixed terrains promotes all over muscle use as your body has to use both primary AND stabilising muscles.
Working outdoors is an anywhere, anytime alternative. There are no time restrictions on walking along your favourite coastal pathways or lapping around your local parklands.
When you train outdoors you are breathing in an abundance of fresh air, particularly in Sydney and Centennial Parklands where we have very low levels of pollution. The bonus is there is no sweaty treadmills, crowded spaces, and loud music. If you allow, you can be completely unplugged in nature.
When you do unplug there is the opportunity for mindfulness. Taking a walk, a run, or a gentle jog in your favoruite outdoor fitness spot can do wonders for your soul.
Outdoor fitness is an inclusive activity for the whole family to enjoy. Grab a frisbee or soccer ball and get your kids moving with some unstructured play. It is important to maximise family time with something EVERYONE can engage in.
A free daily dose of Vitamin D! Did you know, together with calcium, vitamin D can help prevent osteoporosis in older adults. Without enough vitamin D, bones can become brittle and prone to fracture. Be sure to avoid the hottest parts of the day and always ensure safe skin care practice with wide brim hats and regular sun screen application.
Training in the outdoors increases your sense of community. Whether it’s meeting new friends at your outdoor fitness class or simply chatting with dog owners, exercising outdoors provides a chance to engage and expand your local community.
Team partner based workout bring out competitive spirit in us all. Group outdoor fitness is an ideal way to maximise your training intensity. Your training partners are there to push you through the last set everytime you train. It’s like having your own personal trainer each and every time you work out.
Each excercise can be a different venue. Parklands, ponds, beach, back trails and mountains all lend themselves to different disciplines of training. The key to great training results is to vary your training stimulus. Get into the outdoors and unlock the best version of you.